TPY-4 is a multi-mission, ground-based radar for air defense surveillance that can operate in contested electromagnetic environments and provides the warfighter an ability to detect and track current and emerging threats. Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology in the system also provides greater efficiency and improved reliability as compared to legacy systems.

Radar System that Maximizes Flexibility and Mission Capability

Proven, Low-Risk Solution Performance

Proven, Low-Risk Solution Performance

A solution that effectively balances performance, prime power, weight, heat dissipation and cost when constrained by tactical mobility and extreme operating environments. Our rotating Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) incorporates Gallium Nitride (GaN) transmitter technology, distributed digital architecture concepts, and advanced signal processing techniques proven and tested.
Operator / Maintainer-Focused

Operator / Maintainer-Focused

Our design employs an open and scalable distributed architecture that provides maximum flexibility for future growth and adaptation to evolving requirements/missions, technology insertion and overall reduced total ownership cost.
Focus on Affordability

Focus on Affordability

Our design approach has resulted in our most capable, affordable, Next-generation AESA, achieving performance against next generation threats at an affordable price.

Mature AESA Radar Architecture for Today's and Tomorrow's Mission

  • Capability to detect next generation threats in high clutter and jamming
  • Proven and tested AESA technology
  • Scalable architecture enables growth for future missions
  • Long Range early warning TBM
  • Capability to scan up to 90 degrees elevation (no cone of silence)
  • Highly-reliable GaN-based transmitter technology
  • Capability to rapidly deploy and adapt to new missions / threats
  • Available in both fixed and highly mobile variants
  • Transportable via C-130, C-17, truck, rail or helicopter
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Sep 19, 2024
Lockheed Martin is bringing X-band and C-band radar capabilities to the U.S. Air Force Advanced Radar Threat System Variant 3 (ARTS-V3) program office ...
Sep 16, 2024
Press Release
The U.S. Air Force Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long Rang Radar (3DELRR) program team and Lockheed Martin successfully accomplished risk reduction ...
Sep 11, 2024
Press Release
The Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA) exercised a contract option to procure three additional TPY-4 radars from Lockheed Martin (LM), bringing ...
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Media and Press Inquiries
Kelly Vann
+1 (315) 391-1966